
Acupuncture is an ancient medicine effective for the pain of daily living. It’s mysterious how having tiny needles placed in specific places can make us feel so much better. My theory is acupuncture triggers our innate self healing. Most people find it very comfortable, relaxing and pleasant. Acupuncture is good stuff.

I am as likely to prescribe you a song as a supplement. My sense of humor is my favorite clinical tool. My goal for you is your goals. I strive to deliver the most elegant and effective medicine to help you heal with ease.

My healing philosophy is that we all have an innate ability to heal, we just have to find it. Body-based therapies like acupuncture and somatics can help.

Born and raised in San Diego, schooled in Santa Cruz and San Francisco, CA, I am a proud graduate of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (class of 2007). I am a harm reduction practitioner, as such I celebrate coping and survival and I am not interested in judging you for how you got here.

Inspired by how much acupuncture and body-based therapies have helped me, I am obsessed with finding better and better ways for us to heal from trauma and harmful coping strategies. My most recent training has been with the esteemed Alaine Duncan, LAc. Her work with veterans living with PTSD has led to the alchemy of the Tao of Trauma - a combination of Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, 5 Elements Theory from TCM and the 5 Stage Threat Response Cycle from Somatic Experiencing. I have the great honor of being asked to assist Alaine in her upcoming trainings. As Alaine says, this work is important but doesn’t have to be so serious.

Before figuring out what I wanted to do with my life (yay, acupuncture!) I worked in the non-profit sector and did organizing around police accountability and other justice issues in Oakland, CA. I was a development associate for the still fierce Breast Cancer Action and I coordinated the LYRIC Youth Talkline, a peer-based support line for LGBTQIA youth (now the Trevor line).

When not working with clients, you can find me driving around LA playing music way too loud with the windows down.

I am as likely to prescribe you a song as a supplement. My sense of humor is my favorite clinical... Read More

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